A quality builder will be with you every step of the way
Horror building stories do exist and they are all too common. So where do you start in ensuring that you don’t find yourself wondering what you have gotten yourself into or worse still involved in a building dispute nightmare? Selecting the right Newcastle builder for your needs will make all the difference and it really isn’t that hard, you simply need to do some research and ask some questions. We believe that building is a partnership and we work with you from concept to completion to ensure that your experience is as smooth and stress free as possible. It is for this reason that clients of G & C Building Pty Ltd are not only happy but they refer our services and come back years later
Define your needs:
What is the outcome that you are seeking? is it a quick fix or a long term solution? How much involvement are your seeking in the project? Is your preference for a heritage style or perhaps ultra modern? Are you affected by bushfire regulations or do you have specific site issues? Selecting your builder is all about finding the right fit for your needs so you need to start by working out what they are.
Experience and expertise matter:
Building is very complex and you need to have someone who has plenty of experience and technical skill to get a job done properly. A quality builder will be up to date with laws and trends so it is a must that they have industry involvement and are a member of industry association such as HIA or MBA. A simple license check at the Department of Fair Trading is also an essential preliminary step.
Service should not be underestimated:
Quality service is one of the most common advertising terms in the building industry yet it is one of the least tested by home owners in the preliminary stage. Your builder needs to be someone you can communicate openly with, feel a sense of trust, be on the same team with and be striving for the same outcome. It is essential you check your Builders references, and try and talk to past or current clients to get a better understanding of how your Builder approaches problems or changes. Here at G & C Building Pty Ltd we will listen, advise and guide you with patience and understanding.
A contract price must be relative:
What exactly does this mean? We all know the saying ‘you get what you pay for’ and in the building industry this is never more apparent but you need to look much deeper. Be wary of discounts, special promotions and time limits. Its only when you properly compare ‘apples with apples’ that you can make a clear choice. This is where the importance of a superior builder comes in as they will explain your inclusions and finishes clearly. They will be equally clear about what is not included and they will not discount their value but warrant it for years to come ensuring that they are always there if you need them. When it comes to comparing quotes the devil is in the detail and here at G & C Building Pty Ltd we are not only competitive on price we are honest about costs so you don’t get a nasty surprise down the track. We have a favorite saying about price:
“It’s unwise to pay too much but it’s worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money – that is all. When you pay too little you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the job it was bought to do.
The common law of business balance precludes paying a little and getting a lot. It can’t be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the risk you run. And if you do that, you will have enough to pay for something better.”